About Gnarly Roots
Gnarly Roots Garden and Design provides clients with gardening, farming, and/or homesteading systems that work with the land and are low maintenance with the option of automation. With soil science at the forefront, our goal is to improve local soils with regenerative practices. “Since the dawn of farming, most agricultural soils have lost from 30% to 75% of their original soil organic carbon” (Rodale, 2014). We are seeing high temperatures, extreme natural disasters, deforestation, and an exponential loss of topsoil. Mitigating climate change and producing clean food are the reasons why I started my journey as a regenerative farmer. Plants and trees are one of the strongest defenses we have against climate change. “Simply put, recent data from farming systems and pasture trials around the globe show that we could sequester more than 100% of current annual CO2 emissions with a switch to widely available and inexpensive organic management practices, which we term regenerative organic agriculture. These practices work to maximize carbon fixation while minimizing the loss of that carbon once returned to the soil, reversing the greenhouse effect” (Rodale, 2014). With the help of regenerative practices, we can take carbon from the air and put it back into the ground, thus helping to feed the plants that feed you! If using practices that support living soil can help mitigate the increasing levels of CO2 in the air and solidify a stronger food system, why not? I have spent 6 years studying soil science and regenerative agriculture with the hope of spreading awareness of how a simple garden can help fight climate change, feed communities, and connect people to the land.
Rodale Institute. (2014). Regenerative Organic Agriculture and Climate Change. rodale-white-pdf. https://rodaleinstitute.org/wp-content/uploads/rodale-white-paper.pdf

Meet the Founders
Nicole Gowdy - Founder
Experience and Certification
5+ Years of Regenerative Farming Experience
Certified in Permaculture Design
B.A.S. Regenerative Organic Agriculture

Derek Gowdy - Co Founder
Experience and Certification
7 years of organic facilities management
15 years of landscape maintenance and construction